Audit at risk

Your team might be at high risk for findings during a HRSA audit. Check out these resources to help you learn more about 340B program compliance and how to prepare in advance for an audit.


The Covered Entity’s Guide to 340B HRSA Audits

Get first-hand advice from 340B providers to optimize your organization for audit readiness.

Download eBook

340B Program Compliance

Better understand 340B program compliance, especially if referral capture is part of your program or you have plans for it to be.

Download Whitepaper

Audit-Preparation Checklist

Review our audit-ready checklist for actionable tips on how you can prepare for an audit.

Download Checklist

Internal Audit Worksheet

Use this audit template for conducting regular self-audits to help manage your program compliance.

Download Template

Frequently Asked Questions

Discover how we support clients through an audit

Prior to the audit we ensure each certified claim meets our gold standard of compliance.

We will review your Policies & Procedures, and provide feedback and templated language to the CEs.

We will be on call to the Covered Entity throughout the day for any referral-based questions.

Connect with a 340B expert